Public Accounts Committee

PAC(4) 04-11 – Paper 1


Establishment of a Task and Finish Group on governance and accountability of the Auditor General for Wales




1. Members are invited to agree a motion to establish a Task and Finish Group to consider the issues of governance and accountability in relation to the Auditor General for Wales. The Task and Finish Group would be required to:



2. Given the nature of its remit the Task and Finish Group would need to meet formally in public (except where the committee decides in formal session to meet in private). Any work produced by the Task and Finish Group would have to be submitted to the full Public Accounts Committee for agreement. The Task and Finish Group’s first meeting will take place on 11 October to consider the AGW’s estimate of income and expenses for 2012/13.


3. A draft motion for formal establishment of the Task and Finish Group is as follows:


Draft motion to establish a Task and Finish Group on governance and accountability of the Auditor General for Wales under Standing Order 17.17


That the committee resolves to establish a Task and Finish Group of the Public Accounts Committee to consider the issues of governance and accountability in relation to the Auditor General for Wales (AGW);

that the remit of that Task and Finish Group is to advise the Assembly on the appointment of auditors to the accounts of the AGW; consider the annual estimate and accounts of the AGW; consider matters relating to governance and accountability of the AGW; consider matters relating to the nomination for appointment of an AGW; consider other matters remitted to it by the Public Accounts Committee.


That the duration of the Task and Finish Group is for the 2011/2012 Assembly year and that it will cease to exist on 20 July 2012.

that the membership of the Task and Finish Group comprises (Darren Millar AM), (Mike Hedges AM), (Aled Roberts AM), and (Leanne Wood AM) with (Darren Millar) elected as Chair.



Action for the Committee:


The Committee is invited to agree the draft motion for the establishment of the Task and Finish Group.